Myo-Yin Yoga for a tight back


Who doesn’t enjoy a back massage?

There is something nurturing and deeply relaxing about getting your back massaged. The muscles in your back keep you upright all day and can get tense. So why not improve circulation of fluids, release tension and accumulated waste products with a back massage?

Nothing booked? Well, get your tennis balls out! I will show you how to roll your back, improve circulation in your tissues and feel much more at ease afterwards.

What tissues do we roll on?


Along the spine, on either side we have some long muscles called the erectors, helping you with your upright posture every day. It is actually a group of several muscles running along the length of the spine on the left and the right side, from the sacral region all the way to the base of your head.


If we look at that region from a Traditional Chinese Medicine viewpoint, we find the Back Shu points here. These are a collection of acupressure points that run along the pathway of the Bladder meridian on either side of the spine (half-way between spinal column and medial border of scapula).

These points are supportive for all major organ systems according to TCM and can help tonify Qi.

As you use your myofascial or tennis balls to sink the weight of your body into the balls, think of energising your organs.


For our Myo-Yin practice or Roll & Release practice, we use two myofascial release balls or tennis balls to apply some pressure along some of these points either side the spine. The compression of our tissues squeezed by the balls can help with circulation and hydration, reduce stiffness and leave you feel more spacious.


Curious to explore the concept of self-myofascial release in combination with Yin Yoga?

Try my free guide + video to learn how to roll and release tissues - you will feel this instantly in your body!


The practice of self-myofascial release has a very calming effect and can be complemented by nourishing Yin Yoga poses.

In both modalities we listen to explore.

Enjoy this short Myo-Yin practice, where you’ll need two balls (myofascial release or tennis balls) and a Yoga block/blanket:


Whenever you roll on balls, make sure to not roll on bones, nerves or inflamed tissues and if you have any pre-existing injury, consult your health professional to clarify if this practice is safe for you.

Enjoy your little back massage ;-)

Best, Simone