explore Acupressure with Yin Yoga

Nourish body, mind & soul

To truly know what we want, what is on our minds and where life should take us we need to take some time to come back to ourselves. No distraction but consciously dedicated time for yourself. When we slow down we can listen.

Acu-Yin Yoga is inspired by concepts of Traditional Chinese medicine, choosing poses and acupressure points that particularly help to slow down, stimulate our energy body and nourish our nervous system.

Join me as we practice slowing down with Yin Yoga in combination with acuprressure massage to nourish our energy levels.


Yin Yoga is a wonderful practice to slow down. Paired with acupressure massage we get in touch with ourselves and can reflect on our life as we feel into the body.

Check in with your life force energy Qi and consciously create space in body & mind.


Become more aware of how you can spend your energy more sustainably on a daily basis, so you don’t deplete it.

I hope you enjoy the soothing practice of Acu-Yin Yoga and this path of self-exploration.

Simone x