Understand yourself through the 5 elements of TCM


In my Shiatsu training we discussed the nature and manifestations of the 5 elements in nature & the body. We learned how we can feel disharmonies in the body and which acupressure points could improve this in our clients to re-establish balance. But only recently have I started to dive deeper into the 5 elements as they manifest in the personality of each one of us.


The 5 element theory of Traditional Chinese medicine describes a cyclical model of the elements (water, wood, fire, earth and metal) within the world (macrocosmos) and ourselves (microcosm). The elements work hand in hand, one gives rise to the next and in total they form a holistic framework to allow a harmonious flow of energy, creating balance.


We all embody all 5 elements but one element will be your most dominant one. When I found out my predominant element, I couldn’t believe how the description fit myself. It helped me understand why I do things the way I do, how I show up in relationships and how I can support myself when meeting challenges.

Understanding how your needs are met depending on your predominant element can make you a more reflected human being and acting with understanding. The different portions of the elements that make up the whole are interesting as well - what do you have a lot of, what less?

What do you think is your predominant type?

There are many tests out there that help you determine your predominant element. I took several ones and each one came back with the exact same result! For further reading on this I recommend the following books:

  • Between heaven and earth: A guide to Chinese medicine, Efrem Korngold and Harriet Beinfield

  • The 5 element alchemy, Ashley Abbs

  • The five archetypes: discover your true nature and transform your life and relationships, Carey Davidson

Understanding the different aspects that make each element the way they are, their challenges and what best supports them can help you personally, but also as teacher of Qigong or Yin Yoga. As a teacher you can design or theme classes to address these concepts, so your students are well supported.

a very brief summary of the different element types:


WATER TYPE - the philosopher

  • is drawn to the depths of everything, loves to observe & think to understand. Water types value intelligence, wisdom and insight and will not pretend to be something they are not (can be very honest!). Quiet in groups, when they find someone they click with, a deep conversation will start. Water types require lots of quiet time by themselves and seek solitude over social meetups. They have a need to feel free and will be careful with commitments.

  • can loose determination & confidence - practice building trust.


WOOD TYPE - the visionary

  • takes center stage, is energetic and assertive. They love to share what they are up to, they love to do things and move. They start tasks with confidence and are great leaders. As they love to move, they excel at physical activity, can push themselves toward excellence and have drive and determination to win. Wood types like to be organized and control every aspect of their agenda - they can be very hard on themselves.

  • can get restless & quick to anger - practice building patience & allowing themselves to rest


FIRE TYPE - the performer

  • are lively, joyful and funny and you will surely have a good time around them. Open to adventure and welcoming any opportunities that come their way, and they love to share these stories later. They are good communicators that make friends with almost everyone, have that passion for whatever they are immersing themselves in at the moment. Talking a lot or very fast, they might jump between timelines or get distracted - they live in the moment and lead with their hearts.

  • fluctuating emotions & prone to seek external validation - practice of self-awareness


EARTH TYPE - the caretaker

  • is a caretaker and nurturer. Earth types love to bring harmony to their environment and the people around them. Creating a space where everyone can relax, feel understood - they love to support others and often overextend themselves to help. Saying ‘no’ feels more uncomfortable than being obligated, so they nod ‘yes’ most the times to make others feel happy. Prone to worry and overthinking, they can find it hard to focus.

  • struggle to say ‘NO’ and worry too much - establish boundaries & looking after own needs


METAL TYPE - the alchemist

  • has a sensitive personality behind a more conservative exterior. They don’t give much away in smalltalk, but when friendship has been established they open up, often with a dry sense of humor. They pay attention to detail, double check everything to avoid errors and like clean lines and simplicity. Metal types like to plan and have control over their environment, by which they are trying to avoid criticism.

  • drive to perfection & hard on themselves - practice imperfection and gratitude.

There is so much more to the 5 element theory - the emotional and psychological concepts, the energetics of each element and how they all work together. You will be amazed once you dive deeper.

I hope I could spark your interest and curiosity to find out your predominant element ;-) and use this as a tool for self-enquiry.