The power of Qigong


Over the past months I have practiced Qigong regularly, a practice that gives me so much peace, a calm mind and total relaxation. I try to practice outside as much as possible, which gives me that grounded feeling and my lungs some fresh air to breathe.

What exactly is Qigong?

Qigong is a therapeutic exercise practice from ancient China, forming one of the eight branches of Classical Oriental Medicine. Qi describes our life-force energy, and Gong describes skill, work or cultivation. So Qigong can be translated as energy cultivation or skill.

The practice of Qigong is as a gentle exercise therapy with different movement styles, tapping, self-massage, acupressure massage, sound and meditation. The practice releases stress and tension from the physical body as well as from your mind so that the energy can flow freely. Through a Qigong practice we activate and harmonise the flow of energy through the different channels, the body & mind finds equilibrium and we feel more whole and balanced.

Qigong is accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. Since the practice is performed standing (or seated), people having issues to get to the floor due to certain joint problems, can easily access this practice.

some of the Health Benefits of Qigong:

  • Stress Reduction: Qigong is an exceptional tool for managing stress. The slow, deliberate movements and deep, rhythmic breathing help calm the mind and reduce cortisol levels, which are associated with stress.

  • Improved Balance and Flexibility: Through the practice of Qigong, you can enhance your physical balance and flexibility. These benefits are particularly valuable as we age, helping to prevent falls and injuries.

  • Enhanced Mental Clarity: Qigong is known for its ability to improve mental focus and clarity. The meditative aspects of the practice can help quiet a racing mind and bring about a sense of inner calm.

  • Boosted Immune System: Regular Qigong practice is associated with a stronger immune system. It has been shown that less inflammatory markers are present in people who regularly practice Qigong.

Classical and modern forms of Qigong

Over hundreds of different forms of Classical Qigong exist. A form describes one or a series of precise and intentional movements performed in a very slow manner. To learn and master classical Qigong a very thorough practice and exploration is needed.

Modern Qigong on the other hand utilises movements from the traditional forms into a more accessible style. It allows you to experience the benefits of qigong without the thousands of hours of practice that is often required to master a classical form.

practice Qigong with me

Qigong is practiced standing and a lot of emphasis is on standing properly. Whilst there are various standing forms utilised in Qigong, these incorporate the essential elements of posture, relaxation (soft joints) and breath-work. The body is in alignment, balanced and aware. You are rooted to the earth, steady yet soft and rising towards the sky.


A Qigong practice is most enjoyable out in nature, but as this is not always possible you can find a quiet place inside. In this short introductory practice we cultivate awareness and focus, finding our stance and practice several movement forms before closing the practice and finding stillness.

Be gentle with yourself, find your own rhythm and feel free to take some moments of stillness after practice.


Simone x