Short meditation to soothe the busy mind


When things are getting a bit too busy and I feel scattered, I take myself to a quiet place and feel into my breath with this short meditation. It helps me become present and feel at ease again.

Just as a reminder: meditation has been shown to induce the relaxation response, to switch your brainwaves into the more relaxed alpha state and to lower stress hormones in the body - so it is an investment in your health!

It helps me a lot to have tools at hand that take the edge off, that help me to come back to the present moment and clear my mind. That way I navigate through the day without overwhelm.

Practice this meditation regularly or when needed. The breath is always with you- a great tool to become present and train your focus.

I hope this is valuable for you and you feel into your breath more often, releasing tension with each exhalation.


Have you heard about Yoga Nidra (also known as Yogic sleep) yet?

Yoga Nidra is a fully guided meditation, that has scientifically been shown to slow brainwave activity and reduce stress hormones in the body.

This technique teaches you to switch from the highly active, thinking state to a relaxed state, hand in hand with the induction of the relaxation response.

Try my free Yoga Nidra info pack with a 25min guided Yoga Nidra to deeply relax & restore:




I hope you do take time to sit and breathe. It makes you a more reflected, rested and kinder person to be with.

Take good care of yourself :-)


Simone x