How Yoga helps you sleep better


Sleep is an important and sensitive topic - and easily disturbed. Whenever I am stressed, had a few drinks or get woken up (barking neighbours’ dog, snoring partner…) I am wide awake and just can’t sleep. The thoughts kick back in, the endless to-do lists appear and just like that I am lying there, annoyed and sleepless. And the next day I feel wrecked.

Sleep hygiene - habits that help to improve sleep

Sleep professionals recommend establishing a sleep routine when having sleep issues such as: optimise external conditions, such as quiet and dark bedroom, clean sheets and a regular bedtime to get your body into a rhythm. Reduce caffeine intake, sugar and heavy meals before bed etc. Okay, ticked those off- what now?


Invest in quality time to wind down

If your sleep issues stem from stress, overwhelm and the inability to let go of the day, a regular practice such as Yoga can help you to unwind and come to a more reflected state. Instead of watching some Netflix series until past midnight, how about establishing 20-30min of quality time practicing Yoga?

And by the way, you can easily watch Netflix before ;-).

Why yoga helps to sleep better

The practice of Yoga - whether that is a dynamic or a restorative class, breathing or meditation practice - will impact you on a physical and mental level.

It provides the opportunity to become more mindful and brings you into feeling (stretching sensation, your breath flowing in and out, some bodily space opening up).

Feeling more grounded and at ease in the present moment is accompanied by a more regulated nervous system. We switch from the sympathetic state of our autonomous nervous system into the rest and digest response (parasympathetic). This is where we should operate from most of our time, but are often too stuck in our stress response or busy multitasking mindset - we are mentally full to the brim while the body is stiff.

Understandably, winding down and letting go of your day - what is necessary to fall asleep - is not easy when you are in this state. It is not just your sleep that suffers, you also sacrifice mental clarity and productivity.

Practicing Yoga every night for 20-30min as a conscious wind down can give you the space to mentally digest the day and release tension from body + mind. Which is an important prerequisite for sound sleep. The practice does not always have to be a physical one. You can focus on breath, meditate, do a body scan, journal… It is about creating a precious time for yourself to slow down, release the day and the tension that might be trapped in your body & mind. That way you prepare yourself for sound sleep.

Practice with me to unplug and wind down:


Different Yoga tools exist to improve sleep and you need to find what works best for you. The aspects of a Yoga practice regardless of which tool or style you choose are the same:

  • movement to release stagnation and tension & to bring our awareness into the body = grounding

  • exploring your breath = become present

  • gradually moving from a state of doing to being and feeling = regulating your nervous system

Get more inspiration to improve your sleep with Yoga Nidra guided meditation.


Remember, good sleep is so important for your health and wellbeing - so invest in it!

I hope you have some wind down routine that helps you put the day behind you so you can find sound sleep.


Simone x